The field of personal protective equipment in Serbia is regulated by the REGULATION ON PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (“Sluzbeni Glasnik of the RS”, number 23/2020), which is harmonized with all the principles and essential requirements from EU Regulation 2016/425 of the European Parliament and the Council of 9. March 2016. on harmonization of regulations of member states on personal protective equipment.

According to this Rulebook, all products from the PPE group are classified into PPE category I, II, or III, which are accompanied by appropriate compliance documents and other accompanying documentation in circulation.

Decision no. 119-01-176/2020-07 of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia JUGOINSPEKT BELGRADE AD is the body appointed to perform the procedure of issuing domestic certificates of conformity for personal protective equipment of category II and III based on the corresponding foreign certificates of conformity.

In accordance with this procedure, for many years we have been issuing certificates and other documents on the conformity of products of the second category of PPE (such as: protective footwear, protective gloves, highly visible clothing and accessories, protective equipment for welders, helmets and helmets, equipment for motorcyclists, sports equipment, eye and face protection and other equipment) and products of the third category of PPE (such as: equipment for personal protection against falls from a height, clothing that protects against chemicals and microorganisms, equipment for protection against drowning, equipment that protects against electric shock, masks and other equipment for the protection of respiratory organs, etc.).


Decision no. 119-01-176/2020-07 of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia JUGOINSPEKT BEOGRAD AD is the body appointed to carry out the procedure of inspection of the type of protective gloves that protect against mechanical risks (in accordance with the Rulebook on PPE “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 23/2020 and standards EN 388 and EN ISO 21420).

This procedure includes the review of technical documentation, control, testing and final evaluation of conformity of all models of gloves whose purpose is to protect the user from mechanical risks. During the procedure, special attention is paid to measuring the resistance of protective gloves to wear (abrasion), cutting by sharp objects, tearing and piercing and defining the performance in relation to the obtained results.

After the end of the procedure, in cases where we find that the controlled gloves are in compliance with the Essential Requirements for Health and Safety of the Rulebook on Personal Protective Equipment “Sl. glasnik RS”, No. 23/2020 and the requirements of the harmonized standard SRPS EN 388:2019, we issue a TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE, which is a corresponding document of conformity and which is a condition for the sale of this type of product on the market of the Republic of Serbia. Also, the holder of the type inspection certificate issued by the appointed body JUGOINSPEKT BEOGRAD acquires the right to mark goods in circulation with the Serbian mark of conformity bearing our designation number (I001), which is one of the main requirements of the PPE Regulations, in the context of product marking.

According to this Rulebook, all products from the PPE group are classified into PPE category I, II, or III, which are accompanied by appropriate compliance documents and other accompanying documentation in circulation.

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Overview of the types of protective gloves that protect against mechanical risks


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